
Adam Gonnelli

(917) 541-7110


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Adam Gonnelli has been litigating class and collective actions for twenty years.  Throughout his career Adam has served as lead or co-lead counsel in many high-profile class action cases throughout the country, resulting in multimillion-dollar recoveries to consumers, employees, and investors.

Adam concentrates his practice on consumer fraud and employment cases and before starting his own firm was a partner at a national class action law firm, where he served as the chair of its Wage Theft Practice Group.

In February 2020, Adam presented at the Annual Conference of the National Association of Securities and Consumer Lawyers (NASCAT) meeting in New York on the topic of pending Congressional legislation governing the use of the term “natural.”

He has also served as a youth sabre instructor at the American Institute of Fencing.

While attending Cornell Law School, Adam served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy and was a member of the Atlantic Regional Championship moot court team. At Rutgers University - Newark, Adam served as Student Government President and lettered in football and fencing.

Before attending law school, Adam was a Financial Writer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where he wrote educational materials on international trade and monetary policy. 


Practice Areas

Consumer Class Actions

Automobile Class Actions

Employment Class Actions

Housing Discrimination

Recent Cases

Client Testimonials

Bar Admissions

State Courts

New York

New Jersey

Federal Courts

U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Circuits

U.S. District Courts for the Southern, Eastern, and Northern Districts of New York, the District of New Jersey and the District of Connecticut


J.D., Cornell Law School

B.A., Rutgers University – Newark